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How To Get Rid Of Black Mould Permanently

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How To Get Rid Of Black Mould Permanently

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

May 07, 2014

Damp and mould are caused by excess moisture. Moisture in buildings can be caused by leaking pipes, rising damp in basements or ground floors, or rain seeping in because of damage to the roof or around window frames.

In a newly built home damp can occur if the water used when the house was built is still drying out. Once you've identified and fixed the source of moisture in your home you can get rid of any mould. You may be able to remove mould yourself, or you may need to get a professional to remove it.

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager


Black Mould

Black mould is unsightly, difficult to remove and can be a health hazard. What’s more, it’s usually a sign of another problem, one that has probably occurred over the winter months and is caused by poor ventilation. Most people have experienced waking up to streaming windows, as a child you may have written your name or drawn a face on the wet window pane but that’s where the fun ends. Prolonged condensation can lead to black mould which literally leaves its mark around the home, it can appear on:

  • Window frames
  • Walls
  • Furniture
  • Mattresses
  • Clothes in a wardrobe
  • Floors

It's pretty gross when you think it can invade your wardrobe, ruin your shoes and leather bags. Furthermore, it can make your clothes smell musty and feel damp – it’s definitely not a confidence booster plus it can turn out to be expensive. There are specialist cleaning products which remove mould, and if the mould is severe, you may need to get a specialist in to remove it. Mould spores moves around through the air in the home, invisible to the naked eye, looking for damp, wet areas where it thrives. The only way to successfully remove black mould for good is to stop it from thriving by getting rid of the condensation - by improving your home ventilation.

How to remove mould

You may be able to remove mould yourself, or you may need to get a professional to remove it. Only remove mould yourself if it's caused by condensation and covers an area less than 1 metre squared. Don't try to remove the mould yourself if it's caused by sewage or other contaminated water.

  • First protect yourself from mould spores by wearing goggles, long rubber gloves and a mask that covers your nose and mouth. 
  • The open the windows but keep doors closed to prevent spores spreading to other areas of the house and provide some ventilation for the cleaning process. 
  • Next, have a plastic bag ready to take away any soft furnishings such as clothes and soft toys that are mouldy. Soft furnishings should be professionally dry cleaned.
  • Then, fill a bucket with water and either bleach, specialist mould removal liquid or
  • some mild detergent, such as washing-up liquid. 
  • Using a rag dipped in the mixture carefully wipe the mould off the wall. Be careful not to brush it, as this can release mould spores.
  • When you've finished, use a dry rag to remove the moisture from the wall, ensure the area is completely dried. 
  • Afterwards, put the rags in a plastic bag and throw them away, all the surfaces in the room should be thoroughly cleaned by either wet wiping or vacuuming to remove any spores.

A Permanent Solution

The best way to ensure you permanently get rid of your mould problems is preventing the build up of moisture in your home, by properly ventilating it at all times. Properly ventilating your home is the most effective force at keeping mould at bay. Ensuring that air continuously circulates through the building will keep condensation down so the mould cannot grow. 

EnviroVent has a range of ventilation systems designed to prevent condensation and mould problems.

The units work by delivering fresh, filtered and clean air into the property, gently ventilating it, leaving you with a fresh and healthy indoor environment all year round. They are quick and easy to install, no redecoration should be required.

Click here to take a look at our range of ventilation systems.