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Mould – The First Encounter May Not Be Your last!

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Mould – The First Encounter May Not Be Your last!

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Nov 09, 2020

Mould has provided one of the greatest benefits to humanity in recent times with the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928.  That benefit aside, mould is not something that anyone wants to encounter in their daily life.  The sight of a patch of green on a slice of bread, white filaments growing on a once fresh strawberry, or worst of all, a persistent black stain spreading across a ceiling are unpleasant and wholly unwanted.

What Causes Mould in a home?

The presence of mould (and mildew) in a home are often the symptoms of an underlying problem with damp and condensation and can lead to health problems including worsening asthma, headaches and potentially dangerous allergic reactions.

What Causes Damp?

Our day to day lives create a great deal of moisture in the air around us which can lead to condensation and endemic damp in our homes.

The steam from showers and baths, cooking, and drying clothes on radiators all lead to more moisture in the air, and unless there is adequate ventilation to create a steady flow of air around a home, that moisture will settle in colder areas and provide an environment for mould to develop.

In some cases, the initial build up of condensation can quickly lead to large patches of unsightly black mould on ceilings and even cause mildew to grow on mattresses, clothes and on walls leading to a very unpleasant environment with significant health consequences.

Addressing Condensation, Damp and Mould

Good ventilation through a property is the most effective way of addressing condensation related issues and preventing them developing into mould.

A ventilation specialist is best suited to determine the best type of ventilation for your property.  They will be able to conduct a thorough survey of each room to understand how air currently flows around the building and identify the areas most at risk of condensation-dampness.

They can then recommend the best solution for your needs including modern whole house PIV (positive input ventilation) systems that draws fresh, filtered air from outside the property and supplies it into the home to dilute moisture and contaminants.

Overall air quality is improved so that alongside a reduction in mould growth, the dust mite population will also reduce which can contribute to better health for asthmatics and fewer of the health issues associated with poor air quality such as headaches, allergies and fatigue.