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Condensation Control Solutions

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Condensation Control Solutions

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Jan 18, 2022

Condensation is the source of 70% of damp problems in homes. Condensation forms in your home as a result of an imbalance between heating and ventilation, which causes an increase in relative humidity levels indoors.

When you leave your house or turn off the heat at night, the temperature drops considerably, causing moisture in the air to condense on cold surfaces, resulting in condensation on your windows and walls.

Condensation in your home may cause thousands of pounds of damage to walls, windows, curtains, carpets, and furniture if left unchecked.  Not to mention the raising the risk of mould growth, silverfish infestations, and the aggravation of respiratory issues as a result of the wet climate.

Condensation is a common issue, but there are ways to deal with it, and after we've found the source of the problem and identified the contributing components, we can address it fast and efficiently. In fact, we promise that our condensation control solutions will totally eliminate your problem.

Condensation's Warning Signs

It's quite likely that you have a condensation problem if you notice any of the following signs in your home:

  • Excessive water on your windows or windows that are streaming.
  • Mould on your windows, walls, ceilings, and furnishings
  • The appearance of mildew on bathroom tiles and the sealant
  • Wallpaper peeling or damp plasterboard

Condensation Control

A condensation control system (unlike a dehumidifier, which only provides a temporary solution and can be costly to run) provides whole-house ventilation and can remove moisture from your home and replace it with fresh, dry air. As a result, it can remove condensation from your house while also continually improving air quality.

We may also recommend installing an extractor fan with a humidity tracking control to monitor the humidity levels and automatically increase the motor speed as the moisture levels rise in certain circumstances, such as if an area of your property suffers from excessive moisture, such as a bathroom or kitchen.

Find out More

If you are seeing the signs of condensation including streaming windows and patches of damp in your home, and want to prevent the problem getting worse, we can help.  Our local ventilation specialists can provide a free home survey which will examine the cause of condensation in your home and provide advice about the best solution tailored to your needs.  Contact us today to book.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will:

  • checkAssess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • checkTake readings of the relative humidity levels
  • checkIdentify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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