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How to Clean Mould from Ceilings

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How to Clean Mould from Ceilings

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Jan 04, 2024

At this time of the year, mould can be a common problem in bathrooms and kitchens, and you may struggle to remove it. Thankfully, there are several ways to clean mould from ceilings that are effective and easy to use.

Some moulds can be toxic, and the spores from the mould may cause an allergic reaction, so when cleaning mould from ceilings, you should wear a face covering to prevent inhalation, and use gloves and a face covering. If you are using a cleaner with bleach, wear older clothing in case the bleach splashes onto you.

If you suspect that you have toxic black mould growing in your home, or are susceptible to respiratory problems, it is always better to have the mould cleaned professionally.

Specialist cleaning products for mould on ceilings

In most cases, one of the best ways to clean mould from ceilings is to use a specialist mould spray. There are several different brands available from supermarkets. In most cases, mould sprays are sold as biocides which are designed to target and kill mould and can be used in all most of the of places mould appears, not just on ceilings. You can usually find either foam or liquid cleaners, and when cleaning ceilings, a foam can be more effective as it will stay in place for longer.

To use a mould spray to clean your ceiling, spray it onto the mould from 3-5cm away and then leave it to work. After 30 minutes, wipe off with a wet sponge and the mould should wipe off too. Mould sprays are extremely easy to use and effective, but it is toxic to aquatic life, so avoid using it near fish tanks or anywhere that other pets might eat.

One thing to note when using a mould spray is that it will contain bleach. As such, it is important to put protection below the area that you are cleaning so that any drips cannot damage furniture or carpets.

Using bleach to clean mould from ceilings

If you cannot find specialist mould spray, you could use dilute bleach as an alternative – although it may not stay in place as well as a foam cleaner. You should dilute the bleach in a ratio of six to one with warm water, and if possible, put it into a spray bottle to make it easier to apply.

Bleach will work faster than mould spray, so you will only need to leave it on the wall for about 15-20 minutes before scrubbing the surface with a brush to remove the mould. Be especially careful when using dilute bleach to clean mould, as it is more potent than a dedicated mould spray and can damage furniture or fabrics that it drips onto. Bleach will also leave more of a smell in the area where you have been cleaning, so make sure that you open windows to create good ventilation.

Alternative to mould spray or bleach

If you do not want to use mould, another effective way to clean mould from ceilings is to use a vinegar-water solution. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray the solution onto the mould. Let the cleaner sit for at least 15-20 minutes and then scrub the ceiling to remove any remaining mould. For hard-to-reach areas, dip a toothbrush in the solution and scrub. This method is safe and natural, but it may not be as effective as using a specialist mould spray.

Disposing of cleaning products after use

Once you have finished cleaning the mould from the surface, it is important to dispose of any cloths that you have used in the dustbin. This prevents the mould spores that are collected on the material from infecting other parts of your home. Similarly, put the clothing that you have worn into the washing machine to remove any spores.

Cleaning mould is only a temporary solution

Regardless of the method you choose, it is important to take steps to prevent mould from growing back. Keep your bathroom and kitchen well-ventilated by opening windows or using an extractor fan. Wipe down surfaces regularly to remove excess moisture and fix any leaks or water damage as soon as possible.

If you have a persistent mould problem, dealing with the underlying cause is the only way to stop it from growing back permanently. In most homes, the conditions for mould to grow are caused by high humidity and condensation forming on surfaces. If condensation builds up, it can create damp patches that allow mould to gain a foothold and spread.

Improving your domestic ventilation by installing modern extractor fans in your bathroom, kitchen and other wet rooms will help to reduce the amount of water vapour in the air, but if you have mould problems in other areas of your property, a whole house ventilation system could be more effective. Positive Input Ventilation systems such as EnviroVent ATMOS feature a loft mounted central unit that draws fresh air into your home to displace the humid air from bathing, cooking, and drying clothes. This helps to stop condensation causing damp and will prevent mould for good.

Find out more

If you are concerned about mould growth in your home, and want a permanent solution, we can help. Contact us today to book a free home survey. Our local ventilation specialists will visit your home and identify the causes of the condensation that is leading to mould and provide you with advice about the best solution. Enter your postcode below to find an expert near you.

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  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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