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How to Permanently Kill Mould in your home

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How to Permanently Kill Mould in your home

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

May 01, 2024

Living in an home with lots of mould has been linked with a number of health problems - particularly for young children and those with a weaker immune system. 

The health effects caused by mould include milder issues such as a stuffy nose or itchy skin through to coughing, wheezing and eye irritation.  People with specific mould allergies may have much more severe reactions to the presence of mould spores in the air. 

If you live in a home with people who have chronic lung illnesses like asthma, and COPD or those who are immune compromised, mould can have very serious effects on health.  Symptoms of underlying conditions can worsen and may result in hospitalisation.  If you have mould in your home, it is important to deal with the problem as soon as possible to protect your health..

What is mould?

Moulds grow in almost every environment and are one of the most common and diverse organisms in the natural world.  Moulds are closely related to other fungi and algaes and there are thousands of different mould species.  Thankfully onnly a few species grow in homes, and while all cause problems, not all are dangerous to your health..

Typically, the moulds that can affect our homes grow best in damp and poorly ventilated places where their spores can settle and form colonies.

Some amount of mould is present virtually everywhere.  Domestic moulds can grow on almost any surface including food, furniture, carpets, walls, paper, timber and around plumbing.  It is unpleasant to look at and creates a stale, musty smell that gives away its presence.

How mould affects your health

For most people, the effects of mould are quite mild allergic responses to the spores.  When inhaled or brought into contact with the skin, mould spores cause Irritation of the airways, eyes, and skin.  People who have a more severe allergic response or asthma may have more severe reactions including difficulty breathing, nose bleeds and worsening asthma.

Alongside the spores that are released when moulds spread, some moulds such as Toxic Black Mould (Stachybotrys Chartarum) release poisonous chemicals called mycotoxins which can be dangerous in both the short and long term.  Mycotoxins released by Stachybotrys Chartarum can kill neurones which directly affects mental capacity and may lead to confusion, dizziness, seizures, hallucinations, and trembling.

If you encounter such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention and arrange for professional cleaning of your home.

Removing mould yourself

Severe mould infestations should be dealt with professionally, as the chemicals used require special handling, and there is a health risk from close contact with mould spores and toxins as the mould is removed.  If you suspect that you have Stachybotrys Chartarum in your home, you should always have it professionally removed to avoid any risk to your health.

In milder cases of mould, there are effective ways of cleaning mould away using safe household chemicals.  An important thing to note is that while cleaning mould you should always wear a face covering, gloves, and eye protection and dispose of any cleaning cloths after you have finished to ensure that you do not ingest the mould later or spread it to other areas of your home.

Baking soda


Baking soda is a mild alkali with a pH of around 8-8.1, which is too high for mould to thrive.  As such, it serves as a natural disinfectant for mould and is mild enough to be used on all types of surface.

To clean mould with baking soda, add a quarter of a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to a spray bottle of water and stir until dissolved.  Spray the mouldy area with the solution and then scrub the surface to remove the mould.  Once cleaned, rinse the area and wipe dry to remove the remaining mould.


Vinegar is another household chemical that is a mild acid and will break down the structure of the mould to kill it off.  It will work with around 82% of mould species.

The best type of vinegar to use is white distilled vinegar as this will not leave as much of a smell.  Spray the vinegar onto the mould area and leave it for around an hour to work before rinsing the surface to remove the residue of mould.


You can use household to tackle more severe mould outbreaks.

Mix one-part bleach to four parts water and use the mixture to dampen a cloth before gently scrubbing at the mould before rinsing and drying the area completely after you finish cleaning.

Long term solutions

Cleaning the mould away removes the immediate problem and mild risks to your health, but it is not a long-term solution, as it does nothing to prevent mould growing back in the future.

The main cause of the damp conditions that allow mould to grow is condensation that forms in our home as a result of moisture from cleaning, cooking, and bathing.  The best way to prevent mould is to prevent condensation.

Using an extractor fan in your kitchen when cooking and in your bathroom while bathing will help expel moist air from your home.  More advanced extractor fans such as the EnviroVent Cyclone 7 feature sensors that detect humidity levels and adjust their power levels to bring the air into balance.

For a complete and permanent solution, PIV systems which ventilate your whole home from a central unit in your loft are the best option.

Find out more

Do not wait if you are concerned about the health risks of mould in your home.  Speak to one of our local ventilation specialists.  They will be able to arrange a free home survey to determine the root cause of your mould problem and provide advice about the best things to do in order to tackle the problem and remove mould from your home for good.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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