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Is Your Home Air Quality Making You Ill?

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Is Your Home Air Quality Making You Ill?

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Nov 19, 2020

Statistics show that up to 50% of all illnesses are due to poor indoor air quality.

There are many contributing factors to air quality in the home which can become a trigger for medical conditions and allergic responses in people of all ages.  Mould spots, allergens from house dust mites and contaminated air can trigger asthma and allergic responses. and Poor air quality can also cause fatigue, respiratory illnesses and headaches.

Throughout the year, the average person spends 70% of their time in their own home and about 90% of their time indoors.  During periods of inclement weather and in winter, indoors time is at its highest and this is also the time when health is most important.  The last thing that any person who suffers from allergies or asthma needs is to live in a home where poor  air quality means that they are surrounded by allergens or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that can trigger a response.

What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?

The term “Volatile Organic Compounds” refers to a wide variety of different airborne contaminants that have been released inside the home.

Some are found within regular consumer products such as household cleaners and aerosols, but they can also be part of the fabric of the building itself.  VOCs can be released over time from adhesives, solvents and other treatments that are used in construction and home maintenance. 

In addition to respiratory problems and allergic reactions, VOCs can cause tiredness and fatigue.

House Dust Mites

Even in the cleanest of homes there will be a quantity of dust present.  This can come from many sources, from skin being shed through to particles brought into the house from outside.  Dust mites thrive in high humidity environments..  Dust mite faeces can trigger allergic responses in asthmatics that may, in severe cases, require medical action.

Researchers have suggested that up to 80% of asthma attacks are triggered by dust mites.  When an asthma sufferer encounters an irritant, their airways contract and make it harder to breathe.  When people spend more time indoors, they increase their exposure to household allergens and their risk of an allergic response.

Improving ventilation in the home can reduce the levels of humidity and in turn reduce the dust mite population so that fewer irritants are present.

Improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Good airflow throughout a property is the most effective way of improving indoor air quality and reducing condensation that may lead to mould.  Good ventilation f using Positive Input Ventilation units (PIV) will improve air quality indoors and reduce the dust mite population and other irritants from your home.

Have asthma or allergies & want to improve your indoor air quality?

Arrange a free home survey now

During the free home survey, one of our local experts will be able to discuss your options to install a ventilation system that will help reduce dust mites and prevent the build-up of mould and damp that could be damaging your health.
During the free home survey we will test for:
Visible mould sites 

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