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Quick Fixes Will Not Solve Your Condensation Problems

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Quick Fixes Will Not Solve Your Condensation Problems

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Mar 05, 2024

While there are many things you can do to reduce condensation in your home, short term treatments and quick fixes will not tackle the root of the problem and in the long term, condensation will continue, potentially leading to damp problems.

What is the source of condensation

Condensation occurs in all homes.  It is caused when warm, humid air comes into contact with cold surfaces and the moisture in that air forms droplets of water that can accumulate.  One of the most common places to see condensation is on bedroom windows in the morning where the moist air we breathe out at night will often be left on the cold glass.

Humid air in homes is caused by many of the things we do during the day.  Boiling kettles, bathing, and even drying clothes indoors can release significant amounts of moisture into the air that will eventually settle on walls and ceilings.

It is important to reduce condensation if possible

If you ignore problems with condensation, you create longer term problems in your home that can affect the fabric of the building and your health.

If you do not take steps to reduce the amount of condensation in your home, it will soon develop into damp patches where it soaks into the plaster.  This can cause peeling wallpaper and creates the perfect environment for black mould to grow which can worsen allergies and asthma.

Simple ways to reduce condensation

The key to reducing condensation is to control how much moisture gets into the air around your house.  There are a variety of different actions you can take that will help to reduce condensation, although they will not remove the problem altogether.

Closing the door to your kitchen when cooking and using the extractor fan over your hob helps to prevent too much steam accumulating in your kitchen and escaping into the rest of your house.  Similarly, ensuring that your bathroom door is closed when taking a shower or bathing will keep the moist air in one place.

Good airflow through your home prevents condensation from settling and keeps temperatures more even, however simply opening windows and doors will allow heat to escape from your home leading to an increase in your energy bills.

Long term solutions to condensation problems

If you want to really put an end to condensation, you need to control moisture levels in the air and improve air flow.  Proper ventilation systems in your home help to reduce humidity in your property to stop condensation and reduce the risk of damp in the long term.

Modern ventilation systems use very little energy and include automation technology that increase airflow when the air is moist.  Whole house ventilation systems such as Positive Input Ventilation draw fresh filtered air from outside the home to maintain a pleasant environment in your home.

For more information about how improved ventilation can solve your condensation problems and reduce the health risks caused by damp, please contact us today to book a free survey with one of our local specialists who can provide you with advice about the best solution for your needs.  Simply enter your postcode below to get started.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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