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Subcontractor Liability and Insurance Provisions


Subcontractor Liability and Insurance Provisions

The Subcontractor will indemnify on a continuing basis against all cost, claims, expenses and liabilities. They shall maintain with a reputable insurance company a policy or polices of insurance providing an adequate level of cover.

Public Liability Cover – no less than £2m

The subcontractor shall be liable for, and shall indemnify Envirovent Ltd against any expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings. In respect of any loss, injury or damage whatsoever to any property real or personal other that the works in so far as such loss injury or damage arises out of the or in the course of or by reason of the carrying out of the works. To the extent that the same is due to any breach of statutory duty, omissions or default of the subcontractor, its servants or agents.

Employers liability (where applicable) - £10m - as required by the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969.

The subcontractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify Envirovent Ltd against any expense, liability loss, claim, or proceedings whatsoever arising under any statute or at common law in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person whomsoever. Arising out of or in the course of or caused by carrying out the works, except to the extent that the same is due to any act or neglect of Envirovent or of any person for whom Envirovent Ltd is responsible.

The provision of cover should be relevant to the works carried out on behalf of Envirovent Limited. The subcontractors will supply the Envirovent with copies of current and valid certificates of insurance during the period of the contract. 

EnviroVent Allocated Stock – Minimum £5000

The sub-contractor will shall be liable for and indemnify Envirovent Ltd against the loss or theft of any stock supplied to the sub-contractor by Envirovent Ltd in connection with the performance of the services.

Damage to property

Damage caused accidently, unknowingly or otherwise, remains the responsibility of the subcontractor. All damage must be rectified to the satisfaction of Envirovent’s client and / or third party and within a reasonable period of time. The subcontractor will do so at their own cost. All incidents must be reported to Envirovent limited along with details of the resolution.

Parking costs / fines

All parking costs and fines will remain the responsibility of the subcontractor.

Waste management

Disposal of all waste and the cost of doing so is the responsibility of the subcontractor. Subcontractors, as a minimum, must comply with all statutory and other legal requirements relating to waste management and disposal. Envirovent Ltd expect subcontractors to share their commitment to a clean and safe environment. All material waste generated must be removed from the property /site and disposed of in an ethical and legal manner. 

The subcontractor must handle hazardous waste within the scope of the hazardous waste regulations supply copies of hazardous waste consignment notes in relation to all Envirovent Ltd work.